Welcome to Irving Sai Center

About Us

Sai Ram! Welcome to The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Center of Irving. We’re so glad you are here! . Our center meets weekly for its devotional, service and children spiritual education activities.
Learn More


Sri Sathya Sai Nivas

8635 Lohr Valley Rd Irving, TX, 75063

Center Activities

Contact: Suresh K (President), saibhajansirving@gmail.com info.irving@sairegion10.org Ph: ‪(469) 844-5789‬

Sundays - Weekly Activities

(Timings in US Central Time)

SSE: (Sun) 10.00am to 11.40 am | (Devotional Singing) and Closing Prayers: (Sun) 11.45 to 12.30 pm Study Circle | Vedam Learning: (Sat)

Daily Activities

(Timings in US Central Time)

Irving Sai Center's Sadhana of Daily 9 bhajans has been continuing for more than 3 1/2 years targeting Baba's 100th birthday celebration. (Devotional Singing) and Closing Prayers: (Mon-Sat) 7.30 pm to 8 pm Occasional on-demand Study Circle |

Center Activities

Center Activities are open to All devotees.


Selfless service is the very essence of devotion. – Sathya Sai Baba, 29 March 1967. Come and be a part of any of the myriad of service activities that are available!


From Devotional Singing to Study Circle, Come join other fellow spiritual seekers to find enlightenment!

Sai Spiritual Education

Bring your child(ren) to learn about and apply the 5 human values and help build an internal strong moral compass that will benefit them though adulthood.

Young Adults

Come join the energetic and dynamic group of young adults (18-40 year old) and add your expertise to Swami's mission!

Sai Environment Care

Sai Enviro Care provides insights, tips and resources to help you develop the spiritual connection between yourself and Nature and to live a more environmentally conscious life. It is based on Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings on Man’s relationship with Nature and the environmental crisis.

The main goal of the Sathya Sai Organization ... is to help humanity recognise its inherent divinity. … So, your duty is to emphasize the One, to experience the One in all you do and speak. Do not give any importance to differences of religion, sect, status, or color. Have the feeling of Oneness permeate all your acts. Only those who do so have a place in this Organization; the rest can withdraw.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

6 January 1975

Activities Calendar

Click on an activity to learn more about it.
Click on Month tab to view all activities for the month.
Click Agenda to view activities in a list by date.

Center Officers

Please Note: All phone numbers are Google Voice Numbers. Voice Calls only. No Text Messages.

Suresh KolguriPresidentsaibalvikasirving@gmail.com
Pallavi DevadossVice Presidentpallavi.devadoss@gmail.com
Vijaya Deepa PokkuluriDevotional CoordinatorDeepspv@gmail.com
Kavitha GadikotaService Coordinatorkavithakamesh6@gmail.com
Soundarya Lahari BhaskaraSSE Coordinatorsoundarya.sai@gmail.com