Welcome to Sai Region 10

"Service to Man is Service to God."

- Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Region 10 is part of the Sri Sathya Sai Organization of USA which in turn is part of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO). Sai Region 10 consists of the south central states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.


Our mission was started by Sri Sathya Sai Baba who, by His selfless love, universal spiritual teachings, and exemplary life dedicated to social service, touched the hearts of millions of people all over the world.

Our goal is to help people realize the Divine Principle innate in every human being. This is achieved by doing selfless service and achieving self-transformation by practicing the five universal human values of Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Nonviolence. This Divine Principle within is expressed by manifesting love in thought, word, and deed. We promote and practice harmony of religions and unity of faiths and are comprised of people from all religions, faiths, and nationalities.

About Us

Inspired by Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the SSSIO spreads Sathya Sai Baba’s universal message of pure love and selfless service through 1,969 Sathya Sai Centers across 120 countries.

Members of these “Sai” Centers are united by a common bond of love for God and the goals of selfless service, self-transformation and self-realization. Center activities include study of the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba and the sacred literature of all religions, group devotional singing, meditation, education in human values, and selfless service to the needy with love and compassion.

Membership include people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Sai Center programs and activities are universal and compatible with all the major religions. There is never a fee for membership in a Sathya Sai Baba Center, and members are never required to purchase books or materials. Donations are never solicited.


Who is Sathya Sai Baba?

Sathya Sai Baba is a highly revered spiritual leader and teacher, whose life and universal message are inspiring millions of people throughout the world to turn Godward and to lead constructive, virtuous and spiritually meaningful lives. His core teachings are to "Love All and Serve All", the unity of all faiths and the unwavering practice of five universal human values: Love, Truth, Right Conduct, Peace and Non-Violence. All, with the ultimate goal of realizing man's innate divine nature and the oneness of all creation.

Sathya Sai Baba was born on November 23rd, 1926 and passed away on April 24th, 2011. Over a period of 85 years, He dedicated His entire life and His entire self to the service of others. Millions of followers are continuously inspired by His life and His message. 

Our 6 Wings


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Young Adult


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Women's Enrichment

Center Locations

Click on a location pin below to view
Center location information, website link
and even navigate via Google Maps to the center.


"I'd like to thank the Sai community for ALL their support. They have been our right had from start til now."
Ibrahim Mujjaddedi

Ibrahim Mujjaddedi

President, Afghan Community Services (Houston, TX)
“We want to thank the Sai group along with the Ameri group who are here at the Cathedral of Praise Miracle Center for the School Supplies Drive; not only for their food contribution to the pantry, but also for supporting the back-to-school supplies drive too. We want to thank you all for your donations because it’s truly a blessing for the people in this area who are in need. There are people who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, and even with federal monies, they are still in need so thank you for all that you have donated.”
Lillie Mattox

Lillie Mattox

Service Organizer, Cathedral of Praise Miracle Center (Beaumont, TX)
"We are so appreciative. We have probably a decade of association with the Sai Center here and they have supplied our folks with a lot of things and [for] that we are very, very grateful."
Mickey Powers

Mickey Powers

Director, Soup Kitchen Halfway House (Austin, TX)
“We are so grateful to you and your group for all you have done to help support our organization and the people we serve. So many people have been blessed by your generosity. We are incredibly grateful.”

Michelle Peddicord

Branch Manager, Hope Impacts (Katy, TX)
“I just want to thank the Sai Group for coming from so far just to give us a hand. This afternoon we had a new burst of energy that came from the Sai Group. They came to deliver some more supplies to us. Thank you.... Thank you”
Roudy Scott

Roudy Scott

Pastor, King Solomon Baptist Church (Lutcher, LA)
“I would really like to thank the Sai group for coming here to Dulac, Louisiana after Hurricane Ida. They are really offering us some invaluable support and whatever we need, looks like they are open to giving. It is an amazing connection that we have made and a relationship that could be long term.”
Pastor Norbert

Pastor Norbert

Pastor, Anchor Four Square (Dulac, LA)

Regional Officers

Mahesh RegePresidentmrege@sathyasai.us
Suja JosiamVice Presidentsjosiam@sathyasai.us
Vijayashree VenkatramanDevotional Coordinatorvvenkatraman@sathyasai.us
Nimmi VempatiSai Spiritual Education Coordinatornvempati@sathyasai.us
Shiva Prasad VankamamidiService Coordinatorsvankamamidi@sathyasai.us
Saipriya ThirvakaduYA Female Coordinatorsthirvakadu@sathyasai.us
Prasanna Narayanan SrinivasanYA Male Coordinatorprasanna.srinivasan@sathyasai.us
Jwala BasaniYA Female Advisorjbasani@sathyasai.us
Sondip MathurYA Male Advisorsmathur@sathyasai.us
Seema GuptaMedia Coordinatorsgupta@sathyasai.us
Prashanth ThipparthiEnviroCare Coordinatortprashanth.reddy2012@yahoo.com
Disha SahariaMedical Directordsaharia@sathyasai.us
Shaili SinghWomen's Enrichment Coordinatorshailisingh@sathyasai.us
Chandrashekar VishweshwaraWeb Team Lead