Region 10 Service Activities

List of Service activities undertaken by SaiRegion 10…

Hurricane Laura and Delta Relief efforts 

Sathya Sai Region 10 has undertaken the Hurricane Laura and Delta Relief efforts. Starting from September 19th, every weekend, couple centers are carrying cleaning, food and miscellaneous supplies to the three churches we partnered to help in Lake Charles and Dequincy area of Louisiana. Here are the list of supplies

Center(s) Proposed Dates
South/North Houston 30/01/2021
Austin 2/27/2021
South/North Houston 3/27/2021

SAI Tree Planting Service

95 Trees have been planned to be planted across the Region to commemorate 95th Birthday of Swami. Along with good coordination with the Regional Go-Green team, several centers have participated in this initiative and we have planted close to 95 trees. For more information on this please visit

SAI Tutoring Project

Several Centers in our Region has started the SAI Tutoring Project. Many of the centers plan to do an online tutoring to help the underprivileged children of our Region. For more information on this program please visit

95 Days of Continuous Service

Sathya Sai Region 10 would like to celebrate Swami’s 95th Birthday with 95 days of Continuous service starting from August 17th till November 22nd. We request families from each center to sign up to serve first responders, mailmen, garbage collectors, gardeners or homeless people using the link below

Several centers are actively participating in this service

  1. Austin
  2. Dallas
  3. South Houston
  4. North Houston
  5. San Antonio
  6. Little Rock

AC Units Service Activity

Sathya Sai Center of South Houston has coordinated the AC Units distribution service activity. With the help of several centers and members across our Region 10, Sathya Sai Center of South Houston donated about 60 units to the people in need of AC’s and we are also glad that Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee has appreciated this service initiative.

COVID – 19 Service Activities

Facemasks, PPE’s etc.,

With the Divine blessings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, active volunteers of this Region 10 have plunged into action as soon as the COVID – 19 hit us in early march. Thanks to Sai Sisters, Brothers, YA, SSE and all active workers we were able to deliver more than 7400 cloth based face masks  to about 43 Recipients across 6 different states with the help of more than 150 volunteers.

Also, other Personal Protective equipment (PPE’s), Faceshields, Sanitizers, Gloves etc., have been delivered to various hospitals and nursing homes in need.

For more information on how much we have delivered so far, please click Here

Hot Meals

Several Centers have participated in special Hot meals to the homeless people and shelters etc., following social distancing norms and best practices in cooking  them. Here are more details about this service activity.

Austin – Hot meals to ASH residents started and breakfast service to homeless people opposite ARCH has been extended to every Saturday and Sunday.

San Antonio – Every Saturday and Sunday about 600 residents receive hot meals prepared with care of social distancing and serving to homeless people near downtown.

South Houston – Hot meals  is being provided to Turning point Shelter and Harmony home. Also, home made lunch and dinner (10 days) to COVID affected families and helped procure medicines and delivered to one family and groceries to few families.

Dallas – Full Dinner delivered to Austin street shelter which includes – Pizza, salad, milk etc., to 250 people once a month. Also, to Salvation Army, delivered about 1500 sandwiches on every first sunday. Non Perishable items are being collected and given to Minnie’s Food Pantry.

Oklahoma  –  Hot Lunch is being served to homeless people and also to doctors in emergency rooms every Tuesday and Thursday.